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“Stand By Me” by Florence + the Machine Wedding Dance

OR $55/MONTH*​
ADD-ON ‘ROOTS’ course



COURSE CONTENT (15 Lessons):

1. Welcome Intro: Your First Step towards your First Dance.
2. Frame & Posture: Look the part 100% of the time.
3. Universal moves: The fundamentals that you’ll build your entire dance on.
4. Basic step: Glide across the floor with elegance and ease.
5. Change of Direction: Smoothly navigate around the floor like a pro.
6. Promenade: A wedding classic – dreamy “must have” move.
7. Under Arm Turn: A perfect move to show off your dress.
8. Pop Quiz 1: Check your progress so far & see if you’re ready to move on.
9. Lifts, Dips and Twirls: All the fancy moves that’ll add flair to your dance.
10. Alternative moves: Use to easily substitute any lifts you choose not to do.
11. Pop Quiz 2: Let’s see how ready you are to pull off a full dance.
12. First Dance Tips: Things to keep in mind for your Big Day.
13. Demo: Watch the full dance to music.
14. Step-by-step break down of the entire dance.
15. Thank you: Now you are ready for your Big Day!

The wedding song you and your partner choose for your wedding dance should be simple and beautiful so that you can relax and truly enjoy your wedding day.

Florenсe аnd the Mасhine’s Stаnd by Me is а modern tаke on а сlаssiс love song аnd is а greаt сhoiсe for аny wedding. In this аrtiсle, we’ll tаlk аbout why you should choose this song for your wedding аnd how to use Wedding Dаnсe Sсhool’s online lessons to сreаte the first danсe you can сherish. Don’t wаit! Leаrn more аbout inсorporаting “Stаnd by Me” by Florenсe аnd the Mасhine into your wedding danсe аnd stаrt your journey with Wedding Dаnсe Sсhool todаy!

Why “Stand By Me” is Significant for Your First Dance?

Stаnd By Me is а soulful аnd emotionаl song thаt strikes а сhord with mаny people. It’s powerful lyriсs speаk аbout how love endures through life’s сhаllenges. This heаrtfelt song is sure to leаve а powerful impression on your wedding. The song has countless remakes, but Florence and the Machine’s modern rendition gives a modern touch to this timeless classic. With a slow and soulful tempo, Stand By Me is a wedding first dance that you will love to participate in.

Getting Ready for Your Unforgettable “Stand By Me” Wedding First Dance

Preparing for your Stand By Me wedding dance is an important step if you want your first dance to be wonderful. To get ready for your couple’s dance, it’s important to start practicing 3-6 months before your wedding. Consistent practice will deliver the best results. When practicing your dance routine at home, find a suitable open space where dancing is comfortable.

“Stand By Me” First Dance Choreography

The Stand By Me by Florence and The Machine wedding dance is a natural and relaxed dance that is easy for any beginner to pick up. To help you master the Stand By Me dance choreography, our online lessons will teach you how to:
– smoothly change directions
– promenade – a wedding classic
– perform basic steps and universal moves
If you find some parts too challenging, such as lifts, we’ll show you alternate moves you can use to make the dance easier and more enjoyable.

Learn the Moves: “Stand By Me” Wedding Dance Tutorial Online

Learning Stand By Me first dance choreography is easy with Wedding Dance School’s online tutorial. We provide a step-by-step breakdown that will show you everything you need to know to create a memorable Stand By Me Florence and the Machine wedding dance. Order the Stand By Me dance tutorial and learn this beautiful wedding choreography from the comfort of your home, without the added pressure of performing in front of others.

Mastering the Art of Wedding Dance with Daniella Karagach and Pasha Pashkov’s Expertise

Learning Stand By Me first dance choreography can feel intimidating, but with the expert guidance of Daniella Karagach and Pasha Pashkov, mastering your wedding dance is easy! Daniella and Pasha have decades of dancing experience between them. Their dancing career took them all over the world competing in prestigious dancing championships, winning 10 world championships and 10 world titles. They’ve also starred as Pros on Dancing with Stars. Daniella and Pasha always had the dream to change the way couples learned their first dance, and so they created Wedding Dance School to realize this dream. They’ve helped over 10,000 couples from 30+ countries master their dancing skills, at a fraction of the cost of in-person courses. Order Wedding Dance School’s Stand By Me wedding first dance tutorial and make your wedding day an everlasting memory.