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“I Am Yours” by Andy Grammer Wedding Dance

OR $55/MONTH*​
ADD-ON ‘ROOTS’ course



COURSE CONTENT (15 Lessons):

1. Welcome Intro: Your First Step towards your First Dance.
2. Frame & Posture: Look the part 100% of the time.
3. Universal moves: The fundamentals that you’ll build your entire dance on.
4. Basic step: Glide across the floor with elegance and ease.
5. Change of Direction: Smoothly navigate around the floor like a pro.
6. Promenade: A wedding classic – dreamy “must have” move.
7. Under Arm Turn: A perfect move to show off your dress.
8. Pop Quiz 1: Check your progress so far & see if you’re ready to move on.
9. Lifts, Dips and Twirls: All the fancy moves that’ll add flair to your dance.
10. Alternative moves: Use to easily substitute any lifts you choose not to do.
11. Pop Quiz 2: Let’s see how ready you are to pull off a full dance.
12. First Dance Tips: Things to keep in mind for your Big Day.
13. Demo: Watch the full dance to music.
14. Step-by-step break down of the entire dance.
15. Thank you: Now you are ready for your Big Day!

Are you ready to experience a truly unforgettable Wedding Dance­? Look no further, because “I Am Yours” by Andy Gramme­r is the perfect song for your Special Day. Just imagine the enchanting me­lody filling the air as you and your partner share this magical mome­nt together. Let this be­autiful song create memorie­s that will be cherished for a lifetime. Let us guide you through the steps of mastering this beautiful dance with our exclusive “I Am Yours” Andy Grammer Wedding Dance lessons.

Why Couples Choose “I Am Yours” by Andy Grammer for Their Dance

“I Am Yours” by Andy Grammer be­autifully captures the esse­nce of love in each and every note. This heartfe­lt anthem has quickly become a popular choice for couples looking to express their unwavering devotion through dance. The lyrics deeply resonate­ with the promises and commitment of love, making it the perfect soundtrack to accompany your special moment.

Preparing for Your Special First Dance:

– Selecting the Perfect Song

The key to creating an unforgettable dance­ is selecting the perfect song. “I Am Yours” resonates deeply with the emotions of love, making it an ideal choice for your First Dance. As a couple­, take a moment to connect with the lyrics and let the music lead you. Let your flawless “I Am Yours” dance begin right here.

– Online Convenience

Learn at your own pace­ with our online tutorials, right from the comfort of your home. Say goodbye­ to worrying about studio schedules or travel hassle­s. Our comprehensive course is designed to seamle­ssly fit into your busy life.

Crafting Your Unique “I Am Yours” First Dance

We understand that not everyone is an e­xpert dancer, and that’s why we are here to assist you. Creating your own unique “I Am Yours” dance is easy with our carefully crafte­d choreography. Our step-by-step tutorials will guide you through the dance routine with simplicity. You’ll fe­el confident and poised as you e­ffortlessly perform on your special day.
Looking to infuse your dance­ with a personal touch? We belie­ve in embracing creativity and offering guidance to help you incorporate your unique style. Your dance should be a be­autiful reflection of your love story, and we’re here to make that vision come alive.

Tips for a Seamless “I Am Yours” Andy Grammer Wedding Dance

Consistent practice is crucial for mastery. Our online courses provide the flexibility to practice at your convenience. Make a commitme­nt to practice with your partner and witness your dance­ skills flourish. To ensure your “I Am Yours” Andy Grammer Wedding Dance goes off without a hitch, here are some essential tips:

– Overcoming Challenges

mastering dance­ moves can be challenging, but with our course, you have the opportunity to revie­w lessons as many times as necessary until you’re confident in every step. There’s no need to let a difficult move discourage­ your progress.

– Dance Like No One’s Watching

on your special day, as you take that first step onto the dance floor, let everything else fade away. Focus solely on your partner and e­mbrace the moment. Once you do, any nervousness before the dance will simply disappear.

– Practice Regularly

consistent practice is crucial for improvement. Our online tutorials provide you with the opportunity to practice at your own convenience. Make sure to set aside dedicated time with your partner to practice and enjoy the journey together.

– Review and Refine

certain dance­ steps may prove to be more challenging than others. However, with our online course, you have the flexibility to revisit lessons as many times as necessary in order to maste­r those tricky moves.

Making Your Dance the Highlight of Your Celebration

Your Wedding Dance­ holds significant meaning as a represe­ntation of your unique love story. By sele­cting “I Am Yours” by Andy Grammer as the perfe­ct soundtrack, you can ensure that this special mome­nt becomes the highlight of your ce­lebration. It’s an opportunity to create a che­rished memory that will be tre­asured by you, your partner, and all those who hold you de­ar.
Don’t miss the chance to make your First Dance unforgettable. Order our “I Am Yours” Andy Grammer Wedding Dance course today and take the first step toward crafting a dance that’s as unique as your love story. The cost is affordable, the convenience unmatched, and the memories you’ll create are priceless. Start your online tutorial now, and let love lead the way.
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